There are different leadership styles. The leaders can choose one, implement it, and be successful in the workplace. One such style is Situational Leadership. Here, the leader adjusts their style of leadership to ensure it fits with a task or situation.
Here discussed is a bit about situational leadership. It will talk about what is Situational Leadership, its advantages and disadvantages & more.
It is a flexible model that adapts to the work environment, and the team's needs. It suggests that none of the leadership styles work in every situation. So, the leaders must adjust their style and fit the context. They must use 4 major styles,
Now, to be a great Situational Leader, he needs traits. It includes coaching, encouraging participation, delegation, direction, and more. So, to use it right, in the place and time, is imp.
Situational leadership is a help to managers. It helps adapt to the work environment and people led. This ability to adjust the leadership style is imp skill. All aspiring leaders must master it while they are on the development journey.
This leadership model considers the performance readiness of employees. Or better to say, it considers their willingness and ability to do the specific task. All can vary across varied challenges as well as performance areas. It even finds direction and the support amount required. The flexibility allows leaders to ensure that they meet all situations with the right leadership style. A style that can empower employees while bringing the best out of them.
An example of situational leadership theory can be of an employee under a company wing. This wing is brand new. It's concluded that the employee has lesser experience or the expertise. To respond, one can adapt the leadership style as needed. To say, without delegating, showing employees how to perform the task. Further, with supervision, it ensures that they remain on track. With gaining experience and the ability to perform, leadership style then gets changed. It then matches the employee's newer level of performance readiness.
The Situational Leadership Theory Model helps the leaders to,
Staying in close communication with all members of the team allows the leaders to do better. They build better and stronger relationships. They create a better work environment where all remain valued. So, it is a win-win and it is effective too.
Situational Leadership, they make employees feel the supported and valued. The other leadership might come with many benefits, but it's important that leaders understand everything. Knowing different leadership styles makes leaders versatile. So, if you are one who's determined to grow, consider coaching. It will help to improve the skills and do better in life.
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