Something that is not yet definitive or final is referred to as tentative. The tentative meaning is frequently used to characterize choices or actions that could be modified in the wake of additional consideration or approval. For instance, a business might provide a candidate a conditional job offer while doing a reference check or background investigation. In this instance, the offer is not yet binding and could be modified in the event that problems come up throughout the screening procedure.
In discussions for collective bargaining, it may also allude to provisional agreements. Until they are approved by every party, these agreements are regarded as provisional.
Even when decisions or actions may not be final, it's crucial to remember that they should still be treated seriously and made apparent to all parties involved. It can be beneficial to communicate clearly when a choice is tentative in order to prevent future misunderstandings or confusion.
In conclusion, the phrase is frequently used in HR to refer to choices or actions that are not yet final or definite but could be after additional consideration or approval.
The word 'tentative' is also used to describe a sort of credit in which money is not really disbursed. It is a pledge, bond, or agreement that states that money will be transferred on a certain day following a thorough examination of all the financial statements.
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