Performance reviews do not always turn out to be joyful. Rather it brings more anxiety, especially during a self-appraisal process. After all, the employee’s mind will stay full of things like if he is dragging too much, what to include in the appreciation, the achievements to talk and others. This makes it difficult to write the assessment work. But you must understand that self-evaluation is extremely important for career growth. So the guide will provide you with a breakdown of the same for better results.

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Self appraisal-What is it
When working in the corporate space, you will receive some sort of judgment from your colleagues or boss at work. They will provide you with a fair share of feedback. But in some cases, you might not agree with the feedback and will want to put your story forward. This is where the self-appraisal will be beneficial. It is the process where the employees review the performance on their own. The organization wants to know about the point of view of the employees. They even want to reflect on the productivity and the performance cycle of the past. It will help them understand the areas that require improvement and get praise for their good work.
What are the benefits of self-appraisal?
Although you might not like the idea of appreciation in front of all the others, it will actually be beneficial. Here are a few reasons or the benefits.
• Promotes accountability
Self-appraisal is beneficial for the employees to take ownership of the work. The employees can’t leave the assessment part only to the bosses. They will have to track the work they are doing to showcase during the appraisal cycle conversation.
• Better work relationship
When everyone is involved in the process, it will result in a stronger relationship. Self-appraisal is a great tool. It ensures continuous conversation between the managers and the employees.
• Two-way communication
Two-way communication will ensure every party involved gets to speak about their personal feelings. Generally, it is the managers who talk during the appraisal. But self-evaluation will normalize the interaction for every employee. They will be able to talk about their strength and weaknesses or the work they have done over of period of time. This provides deeper insights and a clear picture of what will happen during the performance cycle.
• Motivated workspace
The employees get encouragement when they are trusted. Self-assessment is a great way of telling the employees that you are aligned with them for the work. Each of the employees will be participating in the process. It will be the time to identify motivated employees based on the quality of the goals they have set and what needs to be asses. Eventually, this will guarantee better output and employee engagement.
• Career growth
When employees assess themselves, they will understand their strengths and weaknesses better. Thus, they will have better career aspirations. It will be a great way to understand where they are lacking behind and what can be done for improvement.
How to write a self-appraisal?
When you have to give a self-appraisal, there is no correct way for you to use the format. It is the part for the employees who will have to assess themselves. Remember to focus on the positive and keep the process straightforward for all the stakeholders. Here you can use the star method which breaks down the situation, task, action you have taken, and the results you achieved.
Here are the tips for help
• Be clear and objective
• Focus on the results you achieved
• Talk about the points that require improvement
• State what you have learned during the process
• Be humble about the areas of development
• When talking about weakness also specify about that the terms that will be beneficial for bringing positive change
• People don’t want to listen to responsibilities. They want to know about the outputs
Useful self-appraisal comments
If you still require help, then here are some of the useful self-appraisal comments that will work well for you.

Communication self-appraisal
• I set my expectations clearly in front of the stakeholders.
• I provide healthy feedback and focus more on solving the challenges with proper communication.
• I provide my ideas in an effective, skillful, and professional manner.
• I communicate changes with the stakeholder the moment it happens.
• I give appreciation publicly for the work done by the team members.
Job performance self-appraisal
• I am dedicated to my job and perform well every day.
• I keep on working to improve my performance.
• I am dedicated to promoting work.
• I am open to questions and helping my colleagues out.
• I have always worked to exceed my performance goal.
Reliability self-appraisal
• I avoid committing more than the work I can handle.
• I have always met all the major deadlines with good results.
• I stay punctual and active during the whole process.
• I prioritize my work and focus on the important ones first.
Customer success self-appraisal
• I handle customer queries effectively.
• I go beyond to help the customers get the required information for the query.
• I try to understand the perspective of the customers and solve their situation based on it.
• I strive to work towards the betterment of customer experience.
Creativity and innovation self-appraisal
• I am more dedicated to the solution.
• I love collaborating with others for better and more innovative ideas.
• I try to find new ways to improve the work.
• I look for better opportunities and connect with everyone to learn new things.
Growth and development self-appraisal
• I devise a goal for myself that helps me grow professionally and personally.
• I pick up new skills fast from people around me.
• I love to try new things for better growth in my career.
• I have a clear vision of my future, and I am taking steps to achieve it.
Self-appraisal is the key to helping the employees understand their dedication towards the job and what can be done for better improvement. Here in the job, the role of HR is extremely important in the business. In case you wish to automate the same you can consider relying on Qandle. They aim to provide the business with the best software that will ensure to automate the operations and guarantee better management of the business needs and the employees.
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